早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
-taxation:direct and indirect taxes
-indirect tax:VAT,paid on goods and services
-direct taxes:earned income tax and capital income tax
-income of an individual:earned income and capital income tax
-earned income:taxed on a progressive scale,taxes levied:national income tax,municipal income tax and church tax
-taxable benefits:general health care,other resonable benefits
-social security contributions:paid by both the employee and the employer
-health insurance premium and unemployment insurance premium->employee pays
-costs incurred by earning income:can be deducted from taxes
-most common deductions:travel expenses from home to work,membership fees to trade unions,unemployment funds and obligatory pension insurance premiums
-a tax sheet prepared for most wage and salary earners by the tax authorities but many taxpayers submit a tax return
-final tax exceeds the prepayments->must pay additional tax
-prepayments exceed the final tax->will receive a refund
-capital income tax:29%
-net wealth under EUR 185 000->no wealth tax collected
-taxpayer's liabilitiesLcan be deducted from his/her gross assets
-inheritance and gift tax:imposed on property acquired by inheritance,bequest or gift
-taxation:direct and indirect taxes
-indirect tax:VAT,paid on goods and services
-direct taxes:earned income tax and capital income tax
-income of an individual:earned income and capital income tax
-earned income:taxed on a progressive scale,taxes levied:national income tax,municipal income tax and church tax
-taxable benefits:general health care,other resonable benefits
-social security contributions:paid by both the employee and the employer
-health insurance premium and unemployment insurance premium->employee pays
-costs incurred by earning income:can be deducted from taxes
-most common deductions:travel expenses from home to work,membership fees to trade unions,unemployment funds and obligatory pension insurance premiums
-a tax sheet prepared for most wage and salary earners by the tax authorities but many taxpayers submit a tax return
-final tax exceeds the prepayments->must pay additional tax
-prepayments exceed the final tax->will receive a refund
-capital income tax:29%
-net wealth under EUR 185 000->no wealth tax collected
-taxpayer's liabilitiesLcan be deducted from his/her gross assets
-inheritance and gift tax:imposed on property acquired by inheritance,bequest or gift
taxation includes direct and indirect taxes
indirect tax includes VAT,paid on goods and services
direct taxes includes earned income tax and capital income tax
income of an individual includes earned income and capital income tax
earned income includes taxed on a progressive scale and taxes levied includes national income tax,municipal income tax and church tax
you will got general health care and other resonable benefits after you pay the tax
social security contributions needs paid by both the employee and the employer ,than employee must pays the health insurance premium and unemployment insurance premium himself .the costs incurred by earning income can be deducted from taxes .
most common deductions includes travel expenses from home to work,membership fees to trade unions,unemployment funds and obligatory pension insurance premiums
a tax sheet prepared for most wage and salary earners by the tax authorities but many taxpayers submit a tax return
if the final tax exceeds the prepayments,you must pay additional tax
and when the prepayments exceed the final tax,you will receive a refund
the capital income tax is 29% and if net wealth under EUR 185 000,you have no wealth tax collected
taxpayer's liabilitiesLcan be deducted from his/her gross assets .and the inheritance and gift tax imposed on property acquired by inheritance,bequest or gift
indirect tax includes VAT,paid on goods and services
direct taxes includes earned income tax and capital income tax
income of an individual includes earned income and capital income tax
earned income includes taxed on a progressive scale and taxes levied includes national income tax,municipal income tax and church tax
you will got general health care and other resonable benefits after you pay the tax
social security contributions needs paid by both the employee and the employer ,than employee must pays the health insurance premium and unemployment insurance premium himself .the costs incurred by earning income can be deducted from taxes .
most common deductions includes travel expenses from home to work,membership fees to trade unions,unemployment funds and obligatory pension insurance premiums
a tax sheet prepared for most wage and salary earners by the tax authorities but many taxpayers submit a tax return
if the final tax exceeds the prepayments,you must pay additional tax
and when the prepayments exceed the final tax,you will receive a refund
the capital income tax is 29% and if net wealth under EUR 185 000,you have no wealth tax collected
taxpayer's liabilitiesLcan be deducted from his/her gross assets .and the inheritance and gift tax imposed on property acquired by inheritance,bequest or gift
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