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大大多数都希望自己受人欢迎.但并非每个人都能做到.你校为此学生中进行了问卷.根据一下调查结果.以how to be popular 为题.写一篇英语作文.
开头:Many people desire to be popular with others,but not everyone can achieve this goal .What is the secret to popularity?We have conducted a survey among the students recently and got the following results.
How to be Popular?
Many people desire to be popular with others,but not everyone can achieve this goal .What is the secret to popularity? We have conducted a survey among the students recently and got the following results.
40 percent of the students hold the opinion that it's important to pay special attention to our appearance and keep our dress fashion all the time. We should also keep a good mindset if we want to be popular. With a smile on the face and treating people friendly, we will impress others a lot. Besides, we shall be active in all kinds of activities.
However, 60 percent of the students think that one should be honest, understanding, caring and helpful if he or she wants to be popoular. It's also necessary to be a good listener without speaking ill of other people.
In my point of veiw, we don't need to be popular on purpose since it's not what we should consider during our school life. But if we behave well, be kind to others and try our best to study, we will be well accepted by others. Being popular is not only about what others think of you, but also what you make others think of you. So if you want to be popular, show respect to everyone. That's the most basic rule in the society.
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