早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
要一篇题目为banlance of work and school的英文短文100字左右 做三分钟的演讲 今天晚上就要
Balance of work and school:
Good morning everyone!
I guess students like me will face such problems of balancing our daily lifes with work and school.Working and studying at the same time is quite tough for some of us.
To maintain balance in our lifestyle,first of all,time planning is crucial/important/essential.I suggest/recommend that we could keep a timetable/time schedule and follow them.Hence,we will be able to manage our time better/well.
Secondly,what should be done today will never drag till tomorrow.The tasks that we need to handle/complete by today we must try to finish it up,if not when we drag till the end,the number of work need to be done will be piled up,and that is the time when we all groan that time is not enough.
Thirdly,we can try to do things in a more efficient and effective way.For instance,you were stuck at a particular question,then just move on and do the next one,and come back to handle it after everything is done.It is because it will be time wasting to have to ponder over a question for a long time and that you have not attend to the others yet.You could also seek help from peers or teachers for their guidance and advice.Do things fast in an efficient way,and that the way of handling matters is crucial to determine how much time spent on it.
Forth,do not bring home your work,if not you will have a mix mindset of what is work and what is your leisure time.As time goes by,you will think that you are at home when you are actually working,such symptoms are example going to have a drink of coffee occasionally,doing things at a leisure or slower speed,and have a 'no-rush' attitude.If you really can't finish your work,leave it there for the next day,but try not to do so.
Last but not least,don't waste your precious seconds if you are real busy.Whatever is done must be done.If your friends ask you out,you need to reject them.Completing your tasks on time is a way to clear your work and have time to enjoy your after-work lifestyle.
Thankyou for your kind attention!
而且,如果有人问你问题又不会回答的话,可以用:Sorry,I do not have that particular content/answer now,but i'll get back to you as soon as possible.来搪塞过去.
Good morning everyone!
I guess students like me will face such problems of balancing our daily lifes with work and school.Working and studying at the same time is quite tough for some of us.
To maintain balance in our lifestyle,first of all,time planning is crucial/important/essential.I suggest/recommend that we could keep a timetable/time schedule and follow them.Hence,we will be able to manage our time better/well.
Secondly,what should be done today will never drag till tomorrow.The tasks that we need to handle/complete by today we must try to finish it up,if not when we drag till the end,the number of work need to be done will be piled up,and that is the time when we all groan that time is not enough.
Thirdly,we can try to do things in a more efficient and effective way.For instance,you were stuck at a particular question,then just move on and do the next one,and come back to handle it after everything is done.It is because it will be time wasting to have to ponder over a question for a long time and that you have not attend to the others yet.You could also seek help from peers or teachers for their guidance and advice.Do things fast in an efficient way,and that the way of handling matters is crucial to determine how much time spent on it.
Forth,do not bring home your work,if not you will have a mix mindset of what is work and what is your leisure time.As time goes by,you will think that you are at home when you are actually working,such symptoms are example going to have a drink of coffee occasionally,doing things at a leisure or slower speed,and have a 'no-rush' attitude.If you really can't finish your work,leave it there for the next day,but try not to do so.
Last but not least,don't waste your precious seconds if you are real busy.Whatever is done must be done.If your friends ask you out,you need to reject them.Completing your tasks on time is a way to clear your work and have time to enjoy your after-work lifestyle.
Thankyou for your kind attention!
而且,如果有人问你问题又不会回答的话,可以用:Sorry,I do not have that particular content/answer now,but i'll get back to you as soon as possible.来搪塞过去.
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