早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
PLAN MAKE—P3.This is the process of
comparing actual production orders plus replenishment orders with the
constrained forecast generated above and then generating a master production
schedule resource plan to satisfy service,
cost,and inventory goals.It is carried out for each plant location and may be
aggregated to region or another geography type.This process step is most
closely associated with the discipline of master production scheduling.The
relationship between this process step and PLAN SOURCE (P2) are "replenishment
requirements," which tell the purchasing manager how much product to plan for.
It's all rolled up into schedule manufacturing activities (M1.1),which is the
master production schedule that lets the plant scheduler know how much total
product must be made by the ship date.
PLAN MAKE—P3.This is the process of
comparing actual production orders plus replenishment orders with the
constrained forecast generated above and then generating a master production
schedule resource plan to satisfy service,
cost,and inventory goals.It is carried out for each plant location and may be
aggregated to region or another geography type.This process step is most
closely associated with the discipline of master production scheduling.The
relationship between this process step and PLAN SOURCE (P2) are "replenishment
requirements," which tell the purchasing manager how much product to plan for.
It's all rolled up into schedule manufacturing activities (M1.1),which is the
master production schedule that lets the plant scheduler know how much total
product must be made by the ship date.
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