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Business negotiation is a process that two parties, for the purpose of their mutual interest, try to negotiate, and ultimately resolve the dispute with an agreement and contract reached. Many factors are involved in the final success of business negotiations, of which liturgy plays a quite important role. Good manners in the negotiations can not only show the negotiators' good education and characters, but also affects the negotiating partner's thoughts, feelings to a certain degree,so there comes the knowledge of business etiquette. As for business etiquette, some people believe that it is the easiest part to understand in the professional training course, while others believe not. Business etiquette is easy for it is just a consensus on behavior criterion after a long time of accumulation, without profound theorems or conclusions; it is difficult to grasp because it has spreaded into every aspect of our daily lives, and needs our long term unremitting efforts. Etiquette is an important part of the International business negotiations and a necessary rule that each participant must comply with. Once failing to pay attention to it, or even breaching it, will lead to misunderstanding, friction, and sometimes actually lead to business negotiations failure. so it is vety important to have a good knowledge of business etiquette, and it deserves our fully attention.
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