早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The doctor is a man,not God,more than the doctor.In your eyes,the doctor isnot to receive a red envelope is not a doctor's role you.In your eyes,the doctor will have to cure every patient,there can be no mistake mody.Remember my mom came back from the hospital told a classic joke.Family members questioned the doctor's ability,said patients hospitalized before or good.It is really funny,well why came to the hospital,the hospital is not welfare institute.China does not have the first-class technology abroad,did notprotect the doctor abroad system,without a sound social security system.Chinese doctors have not respected by the society and their value is reflected,they pay,always ignored by others.Medical treatment is difficult andexpensive,the doctor unscrupulous,long past hostility.
The doctor is a man,not God,more than the doctor.In your eyes,the doctor isnot to receive a red envelope is not a doctor's role you.In your eyes,the doctor will have to cure every patient,there can be no mistake mody.Remember my mom came back from the hospital told a classic joke.Family members questioned the doctor's ability,said patients hospitalized before or good.It is really funny,well why came to the hospital,the hospital is not welfare institute.China does not have the first-class technology abroad,did notprotect the doctor abroad system,without a sound social security system.Chinese doctors have not respected by the society and their value is reflected,they pay,always ignored by others.Medical treatment is difficult andexpensive,the doctor unscrupulous,long past hostility.
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