早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



81. I know _______ _______ (肯定地) how I can solve the problem.

82. God helps those who _______ ______ (依靠) themselves.

83. All the money he had had been _________ ________ (用完) so he had to make a living by


84. We should make up our minds to ________ ________ ________ (除掉) bad habits once

   we realize them.

85. When you _______ _______ _______ (被困在) a fire you must keep cool and find a way

   to escape.

86. A new building is _________ __________ (在建设中). It will be completed next month.

87. Nowadays women can _________ _________ (支撑) half the sky.

88. It was her eyes that _________ her _________ (暴露).

89. Let us be _________ _________ (保持警惕) against thieves.

90. As a matter of fact I landed in Britain ________ _________ (偶然地).

91. The scientist was born and __________ _________ (养育) in China.

92. Guilin is _________ _________ (...而闻名)its beautiful scenery.

93. ________ ________ ________ (在远处) was an ox working in a field.

94. As lots of rare animals are _________ _________ (灭绝) we have to take measures to

protect the environment.

95. It seems that the discovery _________ _________ _________ (阐明) an old scientific



  81.for sure/certain    82. rely/depend on     83. used up       84. get rid of

  85. are/get stuck in    86. under construction   87.hod up       88. give away

  89. on guard         90. by accident/chance   91.brought up    92. known for

  93. In the distance     94. dying out          95. throws light on

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