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1.extra over for excavation in very weak to weak rock (UCS 1.25 to 12.5 MN/m2).
2.extra over for excavation under groundwater when required in pipe works the item includes the item includes the dewatering and disposal outside the site and treatment of excavated bottom with a graded aggregates layer,leveling and make good for further work in adition to disposal of waste to public dumps according to the technical specifications
3.6 allowance for the use sheet piles at both sides of the trench in loose or soft soils up to 4 meters depth and remove them after work completion
3.7 extra over for using sheet piles at both sides of the trench for each additional meter in the depth of loose or soft soils and remove them after work completion
3.8 allowance for using timber boards in loose or soft soils up to 3 meter depth and remove them after work completion
4.0 manholes on main lines
4.1 pattern 1 (A)
Supply and build circular manholes of concrete (C25) with internal diameter 1.05m and wall thickness of 225mm,the roof is of reinforced concrete (C30) and a thickness of 175mm.The item includes pipes inside the manhole,excavation,concrete,stepirons,benching,required reinforcing steel,isolating layer to inner and outer surfaces,heavy duty cover and frame complete,backfilling,and dispose of waste to public dumps and all work required to complete item according to drawings,technical specifications,to be used for pipes of 200 to 500mm diameter
4.4 pattern 3
Supply and build rectangular manholes of reinforced concrete (C30) with internal dimensions (1.4*1.9*3.1) meter and wall thickness of 250mm and equipped with access shaft of circular section of 1 meter internal diameter and wall thickness of 225mm the item includes pipes inside the manhole,excavation,concrete (C25),stepirons,benching,concrete required reinforcing steel,isolating layer to inner and outer surfaces,heavy duty cover and frame complete,backfilling,and dispose of waste to public dumps and all work required to complete item according to drawings,technical specifications,to be used for pipes of 600 to 1200 diameter
Supply and build rectangular manholes of reinforced concrete (C30) with internal dimensions (2.2*1.2) meter and wall thickness of 250mm the item includes pipes inside the manhole,excavation,concrete(C25),stepirons,benching concrete,required reinforcing steel,isolating layer to inner and outer surfaces,heavy duty cover and frame complete,backfilling,and dispose of waste to public dumps and all work required to complete item according to drawings,technical specifications,to be used for pipes of 1300 to 1600mm diameter without branches
5.0 droplead (back drop) pipes attached to manhodes (Foul drainage-stormwater drainage)
5.1 build droplead vertical pipes attached to manholes consisting of 90 deg bend,tee and pipe of 160mm diameter and concrete surround (C15) of 150mm thickness for pipes of 160mm with depth between inverts
1.extra超过开挖非常弱到软弱围岩( UCS一月25号至十二月五号MN/m2 ) .
2 .额外的开挖地下水时,根据需要在管道工程项目包括项目包括脱水和处置以外的网站和治疗挖掘底部的分级汇总层,找平,并取得良好的进一步工作adition废物处置公共转储根据技术规格
4.1模式1款( a )
供应和兴建通告沙井混凝土( C25单抗)内部直径一点零五米和壁厚二二五毫米,屋顶是钢筋混凝土( C30的)和厚度175毫米.该项目包括管道内的沙井,开挖,混凝土, stepirons ,替补,需要钢筋,隔离层,内,外表面,重型封面和内完成后,回填和处置废物的公共场和所有的工作需要完成项目按照图纸,技术规格,用于管道直径200至500毫米
供应和兴建的矩形孔的钢筋混凝土( C30的)内部尺寸( 1.4 * 1.9 * 3.1 )米,壁厚250毫米,并配备有机会圆截面轴的直径1米的内部和壁厚二百二十五毫米该项目包括管道内沙井,开挖,混凝土( C25单抗) , stepirons ,替补席上的,具体的要求钢筋,隔离层,内,外表面,重型封面和内完成后,回填和处置废物的公共场和所有的工作需要完成项目根据图纸,技术规格,用于管道直径600至1200
供应和兴建的矩形孔的钢筋混凝土( C30的)内部尺寸( 2.2 * 1.2 )米,壁厚250毫米管道的项目包括内部的沙井,开挖,混凝土( C25单抗) , stepirons ,替补具体要求钢筋,孤立层内,外表面,重型封面和内完成后,回填和处置废物的公共场和所有的工作需要完成的项目按照图纸,技术规格,用于管道直径1300年至一千六百毫米没有分支机构
5.0 droplead (回下拉)管道连接到manhodes (犯规排水,雨水排放)
5.1建立droplead垂直管道连接到沙井组成的90度弯,发球和管道的直径和具体一六〇毫米环绕( C15 )的厚度为150毫米管道一六〇毫米与深度之间颠倒
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