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I Have Learned a Lot in Junior High School
I Have Learned a Lot in Junior High School
My time at junior high school has been mostly good.(开篇点题)I've been at junior high school since 2004.In the first year,I made some good friends,and had a lot of fun.However,I didn't do so well at school in Grades 6 and 7.I didn't study hard enough.Fortunately,my friends showed me that education is important for my future,and I began to work harder at school.【高分句型一】I used to be a bit shy,but my friends and teachers have helped me to be more confident.【高分句型二】Now I know that I have the ability to do good work.My reports in Grade 8 were much better than in Grades 6 and 7.I'm very happy that I'm no longer bottom of the class.Since Grade 8,I think I have become more confident.I have learned a lot at junior high school.(成长经历)
I have worked hard and I have enjoyed these last four years.I hope to do well in the final exam.I want to make my parents and teachers proud of me.(总结全文)