早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


选择填空:1.Alice is__Anstralian girl. But now she lives in___European country a.a;an b.a;a
c.an;a d.an;an
2.It's already 12 o'clock at night,so there are__people in the street a.a little b.little c.a few d.few
3. Which do you like__,mushrooms,tomatoes__potatoes? a.better;or b.better;and c.best;or d.best;and
4.___great fun it is! a.How b.What a c.How a d.What
5.We must keep the classroom___ a.to clean b.cleaning c.cleanly d.clean
6.Does Miss Green like Chinese__? a.some food b.any food c.food d.foods
7.I want__a model plane for you a.making b.to making c.make d.to make
8.The accildent happened__a cold winter evening a.from b.at c.on d.in
9.There is __food in the fridge.Ldet's go and buy___ a.little;some b.little;few c.a little;a little d.few;some
10.I__lkie to go with him .a.had b.would c.am d.do
1 C (Australian 是元音开头; European 是辅音/j/ 开头)
2-5 DCDD
6-10 BDCAB