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On the morning of Apr.20,different from any other Saturdays,a powerful earthquake which measured 7.0 magnitude occurred in Ya'an,Sichuan Province.The quake happened close to the area where 70,000 died when another powerful hit took place in 2008.The 4.20 earthquake shook Sichuan with 208 people missing or dead.Nearly 14,000 are reported to have been injured.Thousands of buildings collapsed,leaving victims homeless.Water and electricity supplies were cut off,which left concerns about the welfare of the survivors.In Lushan,where the most of the damage was concentrated,facilities of communication broke down.Victims lost contact with the outside world.
All the country have been shocked at the tragic news.Numerous relief is pouring in from all over Chinato the victims of the Lushan earthquake.Governments of all levels have taken some efficient measures to relieve the impact of earthquake.On Sunday,Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made it to the worst-stricken Lushan,issuing several statements to ensure rescuing the buried and other injured people.Meanwhile,he visited some of those being treated for their injuries in the temporary hospitals set up with an open-air emergency facility.Rows of Red Cross tents are now home to some of the thousands left homeless by this deadly earthquake.State media says thousands of troops along with volunteers help with the rescue operation and to hand out supplies.
People from across the country are called on to donate to relieve and help rebuild the earthquake-hit area.Lots of students ranging from university students to kindergarten kids have given away their pocket money just to do their own bit in this relief campaign.Hong Kong special government at first proposed to donate 100 million HONG Kong dollars,which was rejected by some of members of government's parliament(议员),who questioned whether China's Red Cross could put every cent into practical use honestly,for in 2008 Wenchuan earthquake China's Red Cross failed to make it clear how they spent the charity money.Anyway the proposal was at last passed on May 3.At the same time,China's Red Cross,determined to make a bit change,promised to give a detailed account of where every cent would go.
Title Ya'an Earthquake
Time April 20,2013
Outbreak A powerful earthquake (61) ___ 7.0 magnitude hit Ya'an,Sichuan Province.
Destruction The quake(62) ___ over 200 people's lives,leaving 14,000 people (63) ___.
Thousands of buildings (64) ___down,making thousands of people homeless.
Water and electricity supplies were cut off.
(65) ___measures Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made several statements to ensure the(66) ___of the victims.
Volunteers throughout the nation along with troops are participating in helping to(67) ___supplies.
Donation A nationwide donation campaign has been(68) ___.
Some of Hong Kong members of parliament questioned the(69) ___of China's Red Cross.
HK donation proposal was(70) ___ passed as China's Red Cross promised to report its expending charity money.
61 measuring  62  claimed    63injured   64  fell   65  Relief   66  rescue   67  distribute   68   underway   69  honesty  70  finally/eventually
61 measuring   从第一段的句子:a powerful earthquake which measured 7.0 magnitude occurred in Ya'an,Sichuan Province.可知7级地震发生在雅安.答案是which measured 改成measuring
62  claimed    从第一段的句子:The 4.20 earthquake shook Sichuan with 208 people missing or dead.可知4.2级地震导致四川208人失踪或者死亡.dead相当于claim one's life,答案是claimed
 63injured   从第一段的句子:Nearly 14,000 are reported to have been injured.可知据报道大约14000个人受伤了,答案是injured
 64  fell   从第一段的句子:Thousands of buildings collapsed,leaving victims homeless.可知数以千计的建筑倒塌.collapsed="fell"down,答案是 fell
 65  Relief   从第二段的句子:Numerous relief is pouring in from all over China to the victims of the Lushan earthquake.可知全中国给庐山地震的受害者带来了安慰,答案是Relief
 66  rescue   从第二段的句子:Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made it to the worst-stricken Lushan,issuing several statements to ensure rescuing the buried and other injured people.可知中国国务院副总理李克强确保拯救被埋葬和受伤的人,答案是rescue
 67  distribute   从第二段的句子:State media says thousands of troops along with volunteers help with the rescue operation and to hand out supplies.可知国内媒体说,数以千计的军队帮助救援和分发供应品.hand out=distribute,答案是distribute
  68   underway   从第三段的句子:People from across the country are called on to donate to relieve and help rebuild the earthquake-hit area.可知全国的捐赠在进行中,答案是underway
69  honesty  从第三段的句子:who questioned whether China's Red Cross could put every cent into practical use honestly,可知质问中国红十字会是否诚实地把每一分钱都用在了救援上.答案是honestly 改成honesty
70  finally/eventually从第三段的句子:Anyway the proposal was at last passed on May 3.可知最终提议在5月3号被通过了.答案是at last="finally"/eventually