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英语作文改错Guangzhou,location in the guangdong province,is the provincial capital of guangdong.Guangzhou is an old city with history of more than 2000years,population of 9.943million and square of 7416.4kilomiters.In1982,guangzhou was chosen to be one of the first famous historic and cultural city.And guangzhou is also known as flower city,because the weather in guangzhou is like spring all the year and flowers can be seen anywhere.At the same time "five goats" stand for guangzhou.It means " foison".Nowaday,there are more and more people from all over the world coming to visit guangzhou because of the beautiful view.I think guangzhou is playing the more and more important part in china even in the world.
Guangzhou city ,located in the guangdong province,is the provincial capital of guangdong.Guangzhou is an city with history of more than 2000years,population of 9.943million and square of 7416.4kilomiters.In1982,guangzhou was chosen to be one of the first famous historic and cultural city.And guangzhou is also known as flower city,because the weather in guangzhou is like spring all the year and flowers can be seen anywhere.At the same time "five goats" stand for guangzhou.It means " foison".Nowaday,there are more and more people from worldwide coming to visit guangzhou because of the beautiful view.I think guangzhou is playing a more and more important role in china even in the world.
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