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ONE morning last week I looked out of my study window and saw that it was a fine day.No,it was a glorious (极好的) day:the sun shone down from a sky with not even a single cloud.
But later that day,hard at work at my desk,I heard a loud drumming noise on the roof.Turning to the window,I saw that the sky was now the color of charcoal (木炭).Rain was beginning to fall; two minutes later the rain became hail (冰雹); at some point,the hail became snow.Rain,hail or snow,it was all wet,making rivers of water.
This story will give you some idea about weather in Britain.It's extremely variable.Go ahead with your picnic in the local park by all means,but don't assume that because the sun is shining now,it will be when you open your pack of sandwiches; better take an umbrella,just in case.
The weather in Britain is by no means always bad.The weather can just seem a lot like a person who has a lot of mood swings.
This is one of the biggest reasons why the British talk so often about the weather:it's handy.Wherever there are strangers standing or sitting close together,and talk cannot be avoided,the conversation focuses on the weather:"Yes,the weather has been good,hasn't it?Three whole days of sunshine this May!"or"What shocking weather we've been having!"The unreliability  of the weather is something that every Brit can agree on.That makes it a safe topic of conversation.
Thus,the weather's unpredictability  is actually a plus for the British,a very useful bit of our culture.Even those with different opinions on everything else in the world,such as the current argument in the UK about membership of the European Union,can talk about the weather without it leading to a shouting match.Long live rainstorms in mid-July!
25.The writer wrote the article mainly to___.
A.describe his own experiences of the different weather in Britain
B.remind people to take an umbrella whenever they have to go out in Britain
C.prove the uncertainty of the weather in Britain
D.describe the weather and the way people talk about weather in Britain
26.The main characteristic of British weather is___.
C.lack of sunshine    
D.continuous rain
27.The British often start conversations by talking about the weather because___.
A.they seldom trust the weather forecast
B.the variable weather is a safe topic of conversation
C.they are all interested in predicting weather
D.they like complaining about the terrible weather
28.It can be inferred from the article that the author holds a(n)___ attitude toward the weather in Britain.
25.D考查作者的写作意图.根据文章第四段"This is one of the biggest reasons why the British talk so often about the weather:it's handy.Wherever there are strangers standing or sitting close together,and talk cannot be avoided,the conversation focuses on the weather"可知,本题的答案是D.
26,A考查细节理解.根据文章第二段前两句"This story will give you some idea about weather in Britain.It's extremely variable."可知,本题的答案是A.
27,B考查细节理解.根据文章第四段最后一句"The unreliability  of the weather is something that every Brit can agree on.That makes it a safe topic of conversation."可知,本题的答案是B.
28,D考查作者的观点态度.根据文章第二段"Go ahead with your picnic in the local park by all means,but don't assume that because the sun is shining now,it will be when you open your pack of sandwiches; better take an umbrella,just in case."和文章最后一段第一句"Thus,the weather's unpredictability  is actually a plus for the British,a very useful bit of our culture."可知,本题的答案是D.