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Long ago and far away,there lived an Emperor.This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes.He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes.They filled his spare bedrooms and upstairs corridors of the palace.
The Emperor spent hours every morning getting dressed.He had to choose his outfit,preferable a new one,and the shoes and wig to go with it.Mid-morning,he invariably changed into something more formal for his short meetings with his counsellors and advisors.He would change again for lunch,and then again for a rest in the afternoon.He just had to change for dinner and them again for the evening!
But the Emperor is a wiser man now,and spends a lot more time with his advisors and far less with his tailors.

皇帝的新装1.全文分为四段,并用三个字概括层意(—新装)2.皇帝喜爱新装表现在哪里,他为什么会上当  2020-05-12 …

初一课本中皇帝的新装的问题分析加点字的表达作用许多年前,有一位皇帝,为了穿得漂亮,不惜把所有的钱都  2020-06-04 …

《皇帝的新装》和《女娲造人》一些、题.《皇帝的新装》一.请指出下列句子刻画人物时采用的描写手法,并  2020-06-05 …

下面叙述中,不正确的选项是?1、13世纪末,奥斯曼土耳其国家建立起来2、东罗马帝国也称拜占廷帝国3  2020-07-02 …

英语作文皇帝的新装续写(6年级的)一点也可以  2020-11-01 …

阅读《皇帝的新装》中节选的文字,完成下列各题。许多年前,有一个皇帝,为了穿得漂亮,不惜把他所有的钱都  2020-11-25 …

阅读课内节选部分,完成下列各题。皇帝的新装(节选)安徒生①许多年以前,有一位皇帝,为了要穿得漂亮,他  2020-11-25 …

《皇帝的新装》文段阅读。许多年前,有一位皇帝,为了要穿得漂亮,他不惜把他所有的钱都花掉。他既不关心他  2020-12-07 …

《皇帝的新装》中,以“新装”为线索,以皇帝为中心人物展开故事情节。线索清晰,情节完整。下面是对情节的  2020-12-24 …

课内阅读(12分)皇帝的新装(节选)①许多年前,有一个皇帝,为了穿得漂亮,不惜把所有的钱都花掉。他既  2021-01-15 …