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英语作文:How can we relax 初三水平60字
要求:1.How do you feel as you are a Grade Nine student? 2.Write at least two ways we can use to relax? 3.What is your favourite way to relax?And tell your reason? 我查到了这篇,但是不要这篇:love spaghetti bolognaise,If people don't mind sharing it.The only problem with it is,I always end up wearing it. They've showed me how to twist the fork, So I won't make a mess.But when I think I've got it right,I drop it on my dress. And sandwiches of roast beef, With gravy oozing out. Are quite a big disaster,Whenever I'm about. It dosen't really matter, What sort of food I eat. Somehow it ends up ON me ,From my neck down to my feet . So don't ask me to dinner, don't think I'll be daring it Because my problem always is I seem to end up wearing it. 答的好我会追加分的.
要求:1.How do you feel as you are a Grade Nine student? 2.Write at least two ways we can use to relax? 3.What is your favourite way to relax?And tell your reason? 我查到了这篇,但是不要这篇:love spaghetti bolognaise,If people don't mind sharing it.The only problem with it is,I always end up wearing it. They've showed me how to twist the fork, So I won't make a mess.But when I think I've got it right,I drop it on my dress. And sandwiches of roast beef, With gravy oozing out. Are quite a big disaster,Whenever I'm about. It dosen't really matter, What sort of food I eat. Somehow it ends up ON me ,From my neck down to my feet . So don't ask me to dinner, don't think I'll be daring it Because my problem always is I seem to end up wearing it. 答的好我会追加分的.
As a Grade Nine student,I am very stressed.If don not relax myself ,I think I will be mad.So I find some ways to realize it.Share with you.first,I often listen to soft songs.Second,if I have time I will lwatch some jokes.Third,I often talk with friengs and go walking with my parents.The third way is my favourite.Because of my own hobby.完全是自己写的,字数可能多了点,不过初三应该有这个水平,自己看着办吧!
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