早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
Ms.xxxand Mr.xxx:
I’m xxx(中文拼音) , the Chinese student who is going to study in xxxSchool and live together with you in the near future.
My flight is on August 20 from Beijing to Vancouver, and then make a transfer to Victoria. I will be arrive there in xx:xx, by the flight xxxxx.I hope you can pick me up when I get there and I want to know how to get in touch with you after I arrive at the airport.
Going to a foreign country is so exciting. Would you have any recommendations on any thing than I should know or be preparing for?
It give me a great pleasure to be a part of your family .I am very interested in Korea, and By coincidence I have just visit Korea this summer holiday. I’d like to share with you some photos of my trip :图片.....
I hope to comprehend about your family and Victoria ,would you like to show me some photo?
I am very thankful for you generosity and help, I am looking forward to meet with you.
Ms.xxxand Mr.xxx:
I’m xxx(中文拼音) , the Chinese student who is going to study in xxxSchool and live together with you in the near future.
My flight is on August 20 from Beijing to Vancouver, and then make a transfer to Victoria. I will be arrive there in xx:xx, by the flight xxxxx.I hope you can pick me up when I get there and I want to know how to get in touch with you after I arrive at the airport.
Going to a foreign country is so exciting. Would you have any recommendations on any thing than I should know or be preparing for?
It give me a great pleasure to be a part of your family .I am very interested in Korea, and By coincidence I have just visit Korea this summer holiday. I’d like to share with you some photos of my trip :图片.....
I hope to comprehend about your family and Victoria ,would you like to show me some photo?
I am very thankful for you generosity and help, I am looking forward to meet with you.
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