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see off的用法还有set off的用法!
see off的用法
还有set off的用法!
还有set off的用法!
see off的用法:
I went to the station to SEE them OFF.
I went to the airport to SEE them OFF.
我到车站/我到机场 送别 他们.
(常说的送人接人,see off是送人-- 看.离去)
A cat came into the back garden but the dog soon SAW it OFF.
set off的用法:
The smoke SET the fire alarm OFF.
We SET OFF for work at seven-thirty.
The company SET OFF its overseas debts against it profits at home.
Terrorists SET OFF a car bomb in the city centre last night.
Fortunately,no-one was hurt or killed.
I went to the station to SEE them OFF.
I went to the airport to SEE them OFF.
我到车站/我到机场 送别 他们.
(常说的送人接人,see off是送人-- 看.离去)
A cat came into the back garden but the dog soon SAW it OFF.
set off的用法:
The smoke SET the fire alarm OFF.
We SET OFF for work at seven-thirty.
The company SET OFF its overseas debts against it profits at home.
Terrorists SET OFF a car bomb in the city centre last night.
Fortunately,no-one was hurt or killed.
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