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You can't reread phone calls.I didn't realize this until one of my last calls to my mother.My parents _____in New Zealand and I was in the USA .I used to write letters to them but later I was too busy to write .Then we only ___on the phone .On one of my last calls to my mother I asked her____ she was doing .
Oh ,I’m looking through the photos and rereading all the letters,” she replied .I felt very ____.I stopped writing letters 3 months ago!If I didn’t stop writing ,she could rerad a newer letter.____ phone,calls are special and we can hear each other’s voices,we can’t reread phone calls.
Then I decided to make a Memory Book for my parents.I wrote to my friends and my family and asked ____ to write something they remembered ____ my parents.I got so many wonderful memories and stories.I planned to take the ____back to New Zealand on my visit.On my plane back in 1999.I wrote a poem for my _____.I planned to read it to her when I arrived,but sadly she ____got to hear it .I got back too late
were spoke what guilty Though(phone call中间没有逗号吧) them (这ed是啥) about plan parents never

一道高一英语语法填空题,阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,  2020-04-26 …

这是小明探究凸透镜成像规律的实验记录,请将表中的剩余表格填完,然后再分析表中的数据,完成下面的填空  2020-06-27 …

猫郑振铎争做公正小法官,审判:芙蓉鸟被害案芙蓉鸟被害案[森林153号刑事案]u案发现场情况:u犯罪  2020-07-16 …

按下列程序计算,把答案填写在表格里,然后看看有什么规律,想想为什么会有这个规律?(1)填写表内空格  2020-07-19 …

按下列程序计算,把答案填写在表格内,然后观察有什么规律,想一想:为什么会有这个规律?(1)填写表内  2020-07-24 …

在什么情况下||u|-|v||=|u+v|,u和v为向量答案是u=-v.为什么不是u=-kv?  2020-07-30 …

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语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词  2020-10-31 …

现有人民币1元硬币10枚.假如实验室里有直尺、量筒和托盘天平等,请你设计一个测定密度的方案,并将你的  2020-11-08 …

这是小明探究凸透镜成像规律的实验记录,请将表中的剩余表格填完,然后再分析表中的数据,完成下面的填空.  2020-11-08 …