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假如你是李华你有意参加伦敦奥运会简述应聘理由 1.爱好喜欢体育运动 2.特长英语 100字作文 dear ...
I am glad learn that the London Olympus Organization Committe needs volunteers from all over the world
I am glad learn that the London Olympus Organization Committe needs volunteers from all over the world
I am glad to learn that the London Olympus Organization Committe needs volunteers from all over the world. I have been thinking about applying to be a volunteer for the Olympic games for a long time .
First of all ,I love sports very much!On one hand,doing sports is a way of entertainment,Everyone can have a lot of fun from playing sports games. On the other hand,it is a great way of losing weight,as well as keeping in good health.At the same time ,we can make many friends!
Secondly,my English is great! I can speak English fluently,so there is no problem for me to communicate with foreign friends.In addition ,I am a Chinese university student ,there is no doublt that my Chinese is great!
I am expecting your permission and hoping that London Olympic Games will achieve a great success!
thank you!
Sincerely Lihua
I am glad to learn that the London Olympus Organization Committe needs volunteers from all over the world. I have been thinking about applying to be a volunteer for the Olympic games for a long time .
First of all ,I love sports very much!On one hand,doing sports is a way of entertainment,Everyone can have a lot of fun from playing sports games. On the other hand,it is a great way of losing weight,as well as keeping in good health.At the same time ,we can make many friends!
Secondly,my English is great! I can speak English fluently,so there is no problem for me to communicate with foreign friends.In addition ,I am a Chinese university student ,there is no doublt that my Chinese is great!
I am expecting your permission and hoping that London Olympic Games will achieve a great success!
thank you!
Sincerely Lihua
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一项工程,甲单独做需要8小时完成,乙单独做要12小时完成,如果先由甲工作1小时,然后由乙接替甲工作 2020-05-15 …
一件工程,甲单独做要12小时完成,乙单独做要15小时完成.如果先由甲工作1小时,然后由乙接替甲工作 2020-05-17 …
一件工程,甲独做要12小时完成,乙独做要15小时完成,丙独做要18小时完成,如果先由甲工作1小时, 2020-05-17 …
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一件工作,甲乙独做要若干小时完成,如果甲乙一起做,则只需要4.8小时完成任务,如果先由甲工作一小时 2020-05-17 …
一项工程,甲独做需15小时完成,乙独做需18小时,丙需20小时完成.如果先由甲工作1小时,然后由乙 2020-05-17 …
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