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mrs holland lived in a big city and she worked in a___(完形填空)完形填空Mrs Holland lived in a big city and she worked in a _1_.She went there by _2_ every morning for twenty years.Then she was forty- five years old,and she said to herself,

mrs holland lived in a big city and she worked in a___(完形填空)
Mrs Holland lived in a big city and she worked in a _1_.She went there by _2_ every morning for twenty years.Then she was forty- five years old,and she said to herself,“I’m _3_ and soft now,because I go _4_ by car.I’m going to buy a bicycle.”
She bought _5_,and after that,she _6_ went to her shop on that,and _7_ in her car.Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light,and she went quickly _8_ them to the front,because her bicycle was so _9_.Then she was happy.Yesterday she stopped at a red light,and a man _10_ behind her on another bicycle.He stopped too,and said,“Have the police taken your driving licence (驾驶执照) away,too?”
1.A.shop B.hotel C.school D.factory
2.A.bus B.bike C.car D.train
3.A.old B.fat C.thin D.short
4.A.anywhere B.somewhere C.nowhere D.everywhere
5.A.another B.that C.it D.one
6.A.always B.seldom C.sometimes D.never
7.A.or B.nor C.not D.also
8.A.to B.past C.by D.over
9.A.popular B.new C.nice D.narrow
10.A.came B.walked C.looked D.kept
1. A. shop
2. C. car
3. B. fat
4. D. everywhere
5. D. one
6. A. always
7. C. not
8. B. past
9. D. narrow
10. A. came