早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


I jumped up really quickly because it scard me.it was probably because I was __ a bad dream,a really scary one.it was about a haunted house,and I was locked inside all __.then,when I opened the door,someone jumped out.that is __ my alarm clock went off.
when I looked at my __ I was not very happy bacause it was a Monday.Mondays are always so __.I looked at my alarm clock to see what time it was.it ___ 6:45.then I remembered that my mom made me change it from 7:00.I got out of bed ___.
after I got dressed,I went downstairs to the __ to eat breakfast.I took a banana because I wasnt ___.then,just as I startes to ___ it,I noticed a spider on the side of it.I have always get scared when I see them.
the next thing I did was going into the bathroom to __ my teeth and wash my hair.I picked up my toothbrush at least I tried to.it was all ___.I had to use my father's.when I was walking ___ the bathroom.I hit my head on the door.that is when I knew I would have an awful day.
1.making building having ending
2.alive alone awake asleep
3.why when how where
4.costume backpack calendar homework
5.convincing exciting boring amazing
6.went wrote said came
7.politely slowly loudly easily
8.restaurant hotel bathroom kitchen
9.hungry thirsty tired thrilled
10.mix pour peel boil
11.interested in afraid of worded about careful with
12.wash brush cut fix
13.put carded handed provided
14.missed gone fled lost
15.inside acoss out of next to
我迅速坐起身来应为我被一个它吓到了.可能是应为一个梦 一个噩梦.梦中是一个鬼魂出没的房子 我被锁在里面,然后我打开了窗户,有人从窗户跳出去了 正在这时我的闹钟响了.我拿着日历看了下今天星期一,这使我很不高兴应为星期一老是枯燥和无味的很.我看了闹钟想知道现在几点了.现在六点四十五,然后我想起.(额 这句太奇怪了 不知道怎翻了) .我懒洋洋的起了床,穿好衣服后,我下楼来到厨房吃了早餐.应为我不饿所以我只拿了个香蕉,正当我薄皮的时候我发现了香蕉的一边有个一个蜘蛛,我总是害怕见蜘蛛.
接下来我做的事情就是来到了 盥洗室刷了牙洗了个头.有好多的牙刷我尽量找到我自己的.当我找不到时我总是不得不用我老爸的.我磕破了头,这时我才意识到这是多么糟糕的一天
答案:making 有人说说是have 在此处是不恰当的 例I make dream in these day and sleep not well.近几天总是做梦,睡不好.2)alone 一个人的 3when 4 calendar日历 5boring 无聊枯燥 6 came 7 slowly 8kitchen 9hungry 10 peel 11没有空啊 12brush 13m没有空 14 勉强填lost 15没空啊
这个填空太伤脑筋了吧 好多都没给而且有的很奇怪 只能这么选了 希望对你有所帮助