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Voluntary Service Overseas (VSC) is a registered charity dedicated to 阅读理解答案
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSC) is a registered charity dedicated to assisting development in the world's poor countries. It is an independent non-sectarian organization. VSO is a direct response to an urgent need. Each year about 450 volunteers are sent to work on projects in 36 developing countries. Each volunteer goes overseas in response to a specific appeal from a developing country Over the past 23 years more than 20,000 volunteers have worked abroad with VSO. Together they have contributed over 30,000 man-years to development. But VSO volunteers gain as well as give. They gain responsibility, experience and a personal viewpoint on development. On their return they can make an effective contribution to the development debate. Above all, VSO is said that the Third World needs. For this reason the Third World countries themselves pay almost half the cost of each VSO volunteer. When VSO was established over 20 years ago, the first volunteers were school-leavers, However, increasingly the demand was for skilled and professional people. Today., all VSO volunteers are skilled and/or qualified people--teachers and doctors, mechanics an electricians, accountants and civil engineers. Why do they volunteer? To make a person-contribution, to take on extra responsibility, to gain overseas work experience, to work within a community---often for all these reasons. The task of VSO is to match these specialists with particular vacancies, notified to them by overseas countries- Then, having made the match, they prepare the volunteer to work for two years in a very different environment.
The work of VSO is concerned with_____(A) helping the poor in all parts of the world \x01 (B) giving practical assistance to poor countries. \x01 (C) the development of any worthwhile project. \x01 (D) increasing the need for development in the Third World
To date the number of volunteers who have worked for VSO is______(A) in excess of 23,000 \x01 (B) more than 30,000 \x01 (C) over 20,000 \x01 (D) about 450.
The experience gained by VSO volunteers working abroad________(A) provides the basic training they need \x01 (B) increases their understanding of particular problems. \x01 (C) helps them to deal with their own problems \x01 (D) encourages them to contribute to Third World appeals
The majority of VSO volunteers today are ______(A) over-qualified \x01 (B) unskilled. \x01 (C) school-heavers. \x01 (D) highly trained
People who volunteer for VSO do so ________(A) for a variety of reasons \x01 (B) because they have personal problems \x01 (C) in response to requests from overseas \x01 (D) because they are unemployed
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSC) is a registered charity dedicated to assisting development in the world's poor countries. It is an independent non-sectarian organization. VSO is a direct response to an urgent need. Each year about 450 volunteers are sent to work on projects in 36 developing countries. Each volunteer goes overseas in response to a specific appeal from a developing country Over the past 23 years more than 20,000 volunteers have worked abroad with VSO. Together they have contributed over 30,000 man-years to development. But VSO volunteers gain as well as give. They gain responsibility, experience and a personal viewpoint on development. On their return they can make an effective contribution to the development debate. Above all, VSO is said that the Third World needs. For this reason the Third World countries themselves pay almost half the cost of each VSO volunteer. When VSO was established over 20 years ago, the first volunteers were school-leavers, However, increasingly the demand was for skilled and professional people. Today., all VSO volunteers are skilled and/or qualified people--teachers and doctors, mechanics an electricians, accountants and civil engineers. Why do they volunteer? To make a person-contribution, to take on extra responsibility, to gain overseas work experience, to work within a community---often for all these reasons. The task of VSO is to match these specialists with particular vacancies, notified to them by overseas countries- Then, having made the match, they prepare the volunteer to work for two years in a very different environment.
The work of VSO is concerned with_____(A) helping the poor in all parts of the world \x01 (B) giving practical assistance to poor countries. \x01 (C) the development of any worthwhile project. \x01 (D) increasing the need for development in the Third World
To date the number of volunteers who have worked for VSO is______(A) in excess of 23,000 \x01 (B) more than 30,000 \x01 (C) over 20,000 \x01 (D) about 450.
The experience gained by VSO volunteers working abroad________(A) provides the basic training they need \x01 (B) increases their understanding of particular problems. \x01 (C) helps them to deal with their own problems \x01 (D) encourages them to contribute to Third World appeals
The majority of VSO volunteers today are ______(A) over-qualified \x01 (B) unskilled. \x01 (C) school-heavers. \x01 (D) highly trained
People who volunteer for VSO do so ________(A) for a variety of reasons \x01 (B) because they have personal problems \x01 (C) in response to requests from overseas \x01 (D) because they are unemployed
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