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Many of the expressions using water have different kinds of meanings in English."Throwing cold water"means"not to like an idea".For example,you want to buy a new
 car because the old one has some problems but your parents throw cold water on the idea,because they think a new car costs too much.
"Water over the dam"is another expression about a past event.It's something that finishes and it can't be changed.The expression comes from the idea---water has run over a dam and it can't be brought back again.When a friend is troubled by a mistake he has made,you might tell him to forget about it.You can say"It's water over the dam".
"Be in hot water"was used five hundred years ago to mean being in trouble.One story says it got the meaning from throwing hot water down on enemies attacking a town.That happens no longer,but we still get into hot water.
 When we are in hot water,we are in trouble.It can be any kind of trouble,serious or not serious.A person who breaks a rule can be in hot water with the police.A young boy can be in hot water with his mother if he walks in a house with dirty shoes.
91.If your partner breaks your glasses,you want him to forget about it,you might say"___".
92.When Uncle Clark missed the flight,we can say that"___".
93.If one of our friends wants to spit in public,we will___on him.
95.What's the best title of this passage?___.
91.It's water over the dam.  细节理解题. 根据第二段When a friend is troubled by a mistake he has made,you might tell him to forget about it.You can say"It's water over the dam".(当一个朋友为他所犯的错误而烦恼时,你可能会让他忘记这一错误.你可以说"It's water over the dam")可知题干中的情况打破了眼镜与之相类似,都是指在事情无法挽回的情况下安慰对方的话,指覆水难收,所以答案为:It's water over the dam.
92.he is in hot water        细节理解题. 根据第三段开头"Be in hot water"was used five hundred years ago to mean being in trouble.及When we are in hot water,we are in trouble.可知Be in hot water的意思为处于麻烦中,结合题干可知当Clark叔叔错过航班时,我们可以用Be in hot water这一短语来表达陷入麻烦之中,所以可以加上主语he表达为:he is in hot water.        
93.throw cold water           细节理解题. 根据第一段"Throwing cold water"means"not to like an idea"可知"Throwing cold water"意思是不喜欢一个想法即泼冷水;结合题干如果我们的一个朋友想在公共场所吐痰,显然是不讨人喜欢的一个想法,所以我们可以用throw cold water (泼冷水)来表达;前有助动词will,故用动词原形throw,所以答案为:throw cold water                 
94.这种表达来源于这种想法--泼出去的水是不可能再收回来的/覆水难收.   英译汉题.   短语come from 为固定短语"来自于",故前句可翻译为:这种表达来源于这种想法;后句是由and连接的一个表并列关系的两个分句;前面的分句用的是现在完成时,强调产生的结果及影响;water has run over a dam字面意思指水已经漫过堤坝了,可以引申为泼出去的水;后一分句中 can't 表推测,表不可能;短语bring back意为"带回",这里使用了含有情态动词can的被动语态,it can't be brought back again可理解为:(泼出去的水)是不可能再收回来的;这句话也可以用一句成语准确概括为:覆水难收.故整句话可翻译为:这种表达来源于这种想法--泼出去的水是不可能再收回来的/覆水难收.
95.Some expressions about water     主旨大意题.  根据文章开头的中心句Many of the expressions using water have different kinds of meanings in English.许多使用水的词语在英语中有不同的含义,联系全文内容,可知本文主要内容就是讲了有关水的表达.故标题为:Some expressions about water