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初中英语be able to ,can 的区别
can 与 be able to 均可表示某人做某事的能力,常可互换.例如:
I'm not able to [can't] explain this.我不能解释这个问题.
He was able to [could] speak French very well.他的法语讲得很不错.
(1) 从时态形式来看,can 只有现在式和过去式(could)两种,而 be able to 则可根据需要使用多种时态,还可以和一些情态动词连用,或用作动词不定式等非谓语形式.例如:
I haven't been able to sleep recently.最近我睡不着觉.
Our baby will be able to walk in a few weeks.我们的宝宝再过几个星期就能走路了.
You might be able to persuade him.你也许能够说服他.
I hope to be able to do the work.我希望能干得了这项工作.
I regret not being able to help her.我很遗憾未能帮助她.
(2) 用于现在时,can 泛指一般的能力,而 be able to 则主要指具体做某件事的能力.例如:
He can swim.他会游泳.
I am able to express my idea in a clear way.我能清楚地表达自己的想法.
(3) 在表示过去的一般能力时,两者没有很大差别.例如:
I could / was able to play the piano when I was young.我年轻时会弹钢琴.
但如果要表示"一时的能力",即"在过去某时有某种能力,并顺利地完成某事",则要用 was / were able to,而不能用 could.例如:
Though he was sick,he was able to swim across the river.虽然他病了,但他还是游过了河.
After five hours of climbing,we were able to reach the top of the mountain.经过5个小时的攀爬,我们终于登上了山顶.
could 表示可能或有能力做,was [were] able to 则表示能够做且确已做到.比较下面两句:
I was able to pass the examination.我通过了考试.(不仅有能力,而且实际上做到了.相当于I succeeded in passing the examination.)
I could pass the examination.我当时有能力通过考试.(有能力,但实际上不一定做得到)
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