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国务院下令自2008年6月1日起在超市、商场购买所有商品实行塑料袋有偿使用制度。全国人大代表陈飞给56位少数民族代表送菜蓝和手帕,意在鼓励人们重提菜篮子,少用塑料袋,关注环保。请你根据上述内容,结合下面两幅图画,以Pay Enough Attention to Our Environment为题,写一篇120字左右的短文。

注意:1. 开头部分已经为你写出,不计入总词数。

      2. 内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。

      3. 要有自己的观点、看法。

参考词汇:人大代表 the representatives of the People’s Congress

          少数民族 minority nationalities



From June 1st 2008 China will ban ultra-thin plastic bags from supermarkets and stores. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

From June 1st 2008 China will ban ultra-thin plastic bags from supermarkets and stores. Meanwhile one of the representatives of the People’s Congress Chen Fei gave each representative of the national minority nationalities a bamboo basket and a handkerchief to respond the order.

As we can see in Picture 1 plastic bags have caused a severe waste of resources. They get easily broken and are left abandoned everywhere ending up as litter. Worse still the low rate of recycling results in the badly polluted environment.

Fortunately people have to realize the importance of environmental friendly and taken effective measures to reduce the consumption of plastic bags using bamboo baskets as we can see in Picture 2. In my opinion the ban on plastic bags will bring China in line with a growing international trend to cut plastic bag use. Besides rubbish has been acknowledged as one of the country’s biggest environmental challenges and the ban on plastic bags is one of the solutions to the problem.