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队礼男孩 郎铮, 3岁, 被埋10小时后被解放军救出, 被救出时, 满脸血迹, 并向救他的人行了一个少先队队礼。年龄虽小, 但懂得感恩。
芭蕾女孩 李月, 6岁, 被埋70多小时, 截肢后才被救出。喜欢芭蕾舞, 梦想成为舞蹈家。现在成了断翅的鸟儿, 再也无法实现自己的梦想。
可乐男孩 薛枭, 17岁, 被埋80小时获救。被救出时说的第一句话是“叔叔, 我要喝可乐, 要冰冻的”。面对灾难, 如此的乐观。
Pupils in Wenchuan Earthquake
     A terrible earthquake broke out in Wenchuan.A lot of people were killed, but there were also many
people rescued by soldiers.There are stories about many people rescued by soldiers.Here are stories
about three rescued pupils.
     Lang Zheng,a threeyearold, was rescued by soldiers after being buried in ruins for 10 hours.After being rescued, he gave a young pioneer salute to the soldiers with a face full of blood.Little as he is, he has a
heart of appreciation.This is why he is called a youngpioneersalute boy.
     However,it is unfortunate for a 6yearold girl, Li Yue.She was rescued after being buried for more than 70 hours, but one of her legs was cut off !She likes ballet, and dreams of being a dancer one day.But now she is like a wingbroken bird,and she will never realize her dream.
     Xue Xiao,who is 17, gives us a deep impression. Trapped in the ruins for 80 hours, he was rescued by soldiers.The first word he said to the soldiers was "I want to have cocacola, iced cola",which was beyond
their expectation.Faced with such a disaster, he was so optimistic, and
he was given the name "cola boy".Poems      


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