早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1 A:How are you going to the Space Museum?
B:I’m going to______the underground?
A by B get on C take D leave
2 Sue and her parents________at home now
A are all B all are C are both D both are
3 Children always enjoy_____picture books
A read B to read C reading D reads
4 Her mother is_____teacher.She's______English teacher
A the,the B an,a C a,a D a,an
5 Our mum is a very good cook.She_______cooking
A love B like C enjoy D likes
6 Ask John_____on the wall
A not to write B don't write C not write D write not
Jane and Alice are in the same class(保持原句意思)
Jane and Alice_______ _______.
We need to buy some oranges(否定)
We______ _______to buy _______oranges
It's a fine day.(感叹句)
_______ ______fine day__________!

1 C take 用by的话就不能有the
2 A are all 有三个人
3 C reading enjoy doing sth.是固定搭配
4 D a,an English是元音开头,所以用an
5 D likes she要用第三人称单数形式
6 A not to write ask sb.to do/not to do 是固定搭配
are classmates
don't need any
What a is